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What is the best way to wrap properly hoof Injury?

Wrapping has been used traditionally from many years. Wrapping a injury is not new for the people working in medical line. Same is the case with the hoof trimmer they use the wrapping technique for hoof care.  Some of them use wraps to keep the wound safe from manure and others might use it so that hoof care product can stick to the wound for long period of time. In this article we are going to talk about the best and effective way to wrap a hoof injury. Some of the steps are mentioned below: 1. First you need to clean the wound properly, make sure to be ready with all the things in ready condition before you start the wrapping procedure. 2. Now apply the hoof care product on it according to the wound application. Make Sure to use the right hoof care products. 3.  Choose the best quality of wrapping bandage which can hold the hoof care products for longer time and select the suitable size accordance with the hoof size. 4. Apply a moderate handful pressure on the wrap w

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